RENEVIER 2018A new treatment option with platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid for patients with osteoarthritis having had an unsatisfactory clinical response to hyaluronic acid alone: Results of a pilot, multicenter French study with long-term follow-up

The RegenPRP™-HA combination prepared with Cellular Matrix provided significant pain relief and functional improvement.*
A prospective multicenter study was performed in patients with knee joint OA who did not respond to treatment with HA alone. Patients received 3 injections of the RegenPRP™-HA combination prepared with Cellular Matrix, at day 0, 60 and 180.
• Number of patients: 77 (83 knees)
• Average age: 63
• Kellgren and Lawrence Grading Scale: grade II (43.4%) & grade III (56.6%)

• 83.6% of patients were strict responders to treatment with Cellular Matrix based on the OMERACT-OARSI criteria.
• A significant decrease in pain as evaluated by the WOMAC A1 score was observed between day 0 and day 270.
• The treatment provided long-lasting benefits for half of the patients and allowed almost 80% of them to avoid surgery for at least 4 years.
This study demonstrated that 3 injections of RegenPRP™-HA combination is a new medical approach for patients who do not respond to treatment with HA alone and offers an alternative to knee surgery.