Runels 2014
A Pilot Study of the Effect of Localized Injections of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction.

Female sexual dysfunction may be manifested by decreases in sexual desire, arousal and lubrication, leading to dyspareunia.


Evaluate the response of women with varying degrees of sexual dysfunction to treatment with RegenPRP™.


Case series study on 11 women (aged 24-64 years old) presenting symptoms of sexual dysfunction such as hyposexual desire disorder, arousal disorder, orgasmic disorder, and dyspareunia. RegenPRP™ was injected into the anterior vaginal wall, into a space between vagina and urethra most distal from bladder, and into the clitoris. Two standardized sexuality tests, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS), were used to measure the response to this therapeutic intervention.


Of the 11 patients treated, seven (64%) demonstrated some degree of improvement. The mean FSDS revised score dropped from 17.27 before treatment to 7.27 at 12-16 weeks postinjection. Five of the 7 patients who had a FSDS score over the threshold value of 11 before treatment had a post treatment score below 7. Evaluations based on FSFI score indicated an overall significant improvement after injection.

The scores from the FSFI subscales of desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm were all significantly increased after injection of RegenPRP™ (P ≤ 0.05). The changes in the scores for satisfaction and pain were considered not significant (See Table 2).


The results of this pilot study suggest that RegenPRP™ injections is effective for the treatment of certain types of female sexual dysfunction.

Significant improvement of the FSFI score was observed after RegenPRP™ injection, especially for desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm.


Runels C. A Pilot Study of the Effect of Localized Injections of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction. Journal of Women’s Health Care 2014;03(04).

About Us

Since 2003, Regen Lab SA has specialized in designing and manufacturing high-quality medical devices for cell therapies and the preparation of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the patient's own blood for bedside procedures.


2003 - Foundation
2010 - RegenKit first approval in bone graft
2013 - A new state-of-theart laboratory in Lausanne
2014 - Cellular Matrix first approval
2015 - Launch of Cellular Matrix in Europe


Founded in 2003, Regen Lab has become a global reference thanks to its commitment to innovation, quality, and the effectiveness of its therapeutic solutions. Here’s how we have transformed the medical landscape over the past two decades.


RegenPRP™ is a medical treatment that uses platelet-rich plasma from the patient's own blood to enhance and tissue regeneration.

RegenPRP™ - HA

RegenPRP™ - HA combination is an innovative treatment combining platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid to improve tissue regeneration and healing.

RegenPRP™ - ATS

RegenPRP™ combined with ATS (Autologous Thrombin Serum) is an advanced approach to tissue regeneration that uses autologous thrombin-enriched platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to maximise healing effects.


RegenExtracell is an innovative tissue regeneration treatment using an extracellular matrix enriched with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Hyaluronic Acid

Coming Soon


Manufacturers of medical devices based outside the EU must designate an Authorized Representative (EC-REP) established within the EU in order to meet the CE requirements for placing medical devices on the EU market.

Quality Management

Regen Lab Quality System Management ensures the consistency of our products quality in total GMP compliance.

Our production facility rooms atmosphere is monitored to satisfy non-pyrogenic medical devices manufacturing.


As a leader in the PRP&HA regenerative field and as an innovation-driven company, Regen Lab SA has devoted important resources since 2004 to put on the market pioneering and diversified products constituting a complete set of tools/technologies for the medical community.